What We Do

Financial Planning

Life offers so many opportunities for adventure. Let us work with you to develop a plan that helps you work towards your goals, dreams, and adventures.  We will talk through your short and long-term financial targets, including education savings, retirement, and investments.  

From the very beginning, we take a personalized, customized approach to your plan. We’ll talk about where your finances are now and how to get you to where you want to be in the future. And the conversations don’t end there. We’ll partner with you throughout your lifetime to help you stay on track and work toward achieving your goals.  

Retirement Planning 

Whether you are just starting to think about saving for retirement or are quickly nearing the date when you give your final notice, we want to make sure you feel confident along your journey. And, once you transition into your new adventures, we help ensure you can minimize taxes while having enough money to last throughout your retirement.  

Legacy and Estate Planning

What type of legacy do you want to leave? Will it be one of service, financial support, family dynamics, or a piece of all these and more? Determining your legacy can be very personal and emotional. We will help you review all your legacy options and determine the next steps to achieve your desired results. Your family will appreciate the time you took to ensure your estate and legacy plan is in order, minimizing the emotional and financial impact during an emotional time.  

Additionally, we will talk about the most efficient and cost-effective method of transferring your wealth to your heirs. We want to ensure your wishes are planned for, reviewed, and updated as needed leaving no surprises for anyone.